There exists a divine duality which dictates that for one thing to exist, so must its opposite, providing balance. The Minotaur is traditionally depicted as an angry warrior with the body of a brutish man and the head of a bull. This series explores the theme of duality through creation of a female Minotaur. This feminine representation displays grace, fragility, wonder, and strength without violence. She is depicted in four iconic life phases, each catalogued by the time of day. She is born in the first hour and dies at midnight. The viewer finds much to relate to in these works of a half-human character, provoking the question: what indeed does it mean to be human?
Vanity is the largest and most detailed of the Minotaur Series. She stands as our equal, in size and stature. Her innate elegance is embodied in the flowing lines of her mane, in the curl of her horns, in her careful posture. She is captured in a moment of intimacy, applying the armor of the female, before venturing into the larger world. She is suffused with power, even as she draws on this delicate touch of femininity. Her gaze is unwavering as she considers a reflection we can only imagine. We stand as her mirror, as surely as she is ours.
Title: ‘Ariadne reclining’ Bronze and resin 9cm x 21cm Limited edition: /13 Sold: #1, #2, #3, #4, #7 |
Ariadne Reclining is an extension of the original Minotaur Series. Ariadne is a character of Greek mythology who is at times portrayed as a goddess and at times portrayed as a mortal. She is associated with labyrinths, as it was she who provided Theseus with the string that led him out of the maze, and enabled him to defeat the Minotaur. Here she enjoys the human experience of an indulgent bath. Her deep pleasure in the act elevates a functional cleansing to an intimate ritual of raw sensuality.
minotaur 01h00
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The stages of the Minotaur’s life are represented by the hours of the day. The youngest minotaur, Minotaur 01h00, stands at the edge of her world, looking out. Her toy rests behind her, marking her immersion in her own universe of innocence and imagination. She is unconcerned with the rules and opinions of society. She is untainted by urgings to be anything other than she is. She is merely herself, whole and pure. Title: ‘Minotaur 01h00’ Bronze on wood 31cm x 21cm Limited edition: /13 Sold: #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #7 |
minotaur 05h00
Title: ‘Minotaur 05h00’ Bronze on paper 34cm x 21cm Limited edition: /13 Sold: #3, #4, #6 |
Minotaur 05h00 is blossoming into adulthood. Her body has changed, drawing her into a world she has yet to comprehend. She is confused by her coming-of-age, and unsure of who she will be in this new incarnation. She still finds protection in imaginary worlds, now through a technology rather than toys. She wants to protect the tender new parts of herself, but also burns with the desire to explore, and find her place.
minotaur 12h00
Title: ‘Minotaur 12h00’
Bronze on paper 51cm x 22cm Limited edition: /13 Sold: #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 Minotaur 12h00 depicts one of the most magical and unlikely transformations demanded by nature of a woman’s body. To grow human life within her, the Minotaur grows in both grace and discomfort. Her power is immense, placing her at the pinnacle of life changes.
minotaur 23h00
Title: ‘Minotaur 23h00’
Bronze 35cm x 30cm Limited edition: /13 Sold: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #11 Minotaur 23h00 is about to step off this plane. She is bent, her body is well-used, but she remains unbroken. As her physical power has declined, her spiritual power has grown, making her bold and unafraid. She belongs to herself, and that knowing will carry her through her last grand adventure.